Lest Ye Be Judged
I have a good friend with whom I spent about 10 years growing up together in elementary/high school. She lost her 17-year-old daughter a few days ago in an accident. My son is currently 18 years…
Be Kind Anyway
I kind of stopped hearing anything out of Jim, but it actually didn't even occur to me at the time that anything might be wrong...
The New Year’s Resolution Secret Edge
As I write this, it appears another year is in the books. 2015 is a memory – hopefully, a good one – and 2016 has opened its doors to great opportunity! I always love this…
It is Time
I’ve had a rough week. I want to tell you about it, but I think that would only reinforce the notion that I want sympathy for my woes, and that is not the attitude I…
How I Lost 11 Pounds in 10 Days – The Healthy Way
Do you want to lose a bunch of weight and even a couple of inches in a short period? Do you want to do it without endangering your health via pills or malnutrition? Let me…
In the beginning…
Welcome to Project:Groovy! This is a concept that I came up with one day while driving in the middle of nowhere in west Texas. I thought, “you know what really makes me happy? Making another person really happy.” So, how can I do that a…
More Articles
You may have some questions about this site. Below, you may find answers… If not, you know the drill: ryan@projectgroovy.com What the heck IS this place? This is a brainchild I began circa 2012 where I wrote about life lessons I’ve learned and gratitude I have…
Lunch, Anyone?
Care to join me for lunch? Let's go through what exactly we want to eat and just how I'm going to make it happen. Trust me.
Uncomfortable Silences
“Cause darling, I’m a nightmare dressed like a daydream.” Those were the nine words rattling around my head over and over and over. Maybe I should rewind a little bit. It was Independence Day in the US, and I had a peculiar urge come over…
Soothing the Sting From a Breakup
You noticed I didn’t say, “Get Over” a breakup, did ya? There’s nothing to get over. It’s true, I feel like all experiences, labeled good or bad by our efficiently judging minds, have their place in life. I’ve always felt it good to remember that…
Want to Be Happier?
Have you ever wanted to experience more happiness in your life? Even if you’re already happy, you’ve certainly come to the right place. In my effort to add value to other people’s lives, I created an awesome (and easy) way you can do just that!…
Warning: Dramatic Whining and Self-Commiseration Ahead
I have read somewhere before that writing down your frustrations or fears or problems can be a good way to release them, or at the very least put them into perspective. While I’m pretty sure hardly anyone will read this, just venting may help me…
95 Questions
Just when you thought it was safe to come out of the sea of New Year related articles and finally get back to what you were doing when the holidays so rudely interrupted your groove, here I go with yet another friggin’ “Something you should…
Thank Yourself
So, here we are once again – that special time we have to purposely take out of our busy lives once per year to recognize and appreciate all that is dear to us: Thanksgiving. Like many, the importance of this holiday has grown on me…
A Little Stress Management
So, the company I work for has many benefits that relate to health, and recently they decided to do a “Health Week” where they sent out an email each day that focused on something to improve your health. I got tips on sleep, smoking cessation,…
Absolutely Positive
Are you smiling right now? I want you to smile right now. In fact, the entire time you’re reading this page I need you to be smiling. It’s an important ingredient to absorbing the information contained within. Seriously, Smile. Much better – now let’s get…